Digital signage, Video Wall solutions for Church

Digital signage, Video Wall solutions for Church

Digital signage is a fantastic advertising anomarketing tool.

Almost all industriescan benefit from an effective digital signage strategy, but it can really move theneedle in places of worship.

Today, more than 90% of churches have a website. and almost 78% of sermons use projectors. In the simplest sense of theword churches and other worshiping facilities are a place for gather people.Weddings, funerals, baptisms, christenings, bar mitzvahs, study sessions, holidaycelebrations and weekly worship services are all reasons people gather atchurches. churches are a place ofgathering for people. By using digital screensas bulletin boards, church leaders can use gathering times as a place to promoteother events being held at the church or elsewhere. Digital signage for churchescan enhance the message and make it more visible and clear. The screens canimprove the overall church visiting experience.

Grow the popularity of the worship center in the community where it serves. Through digital signage for touch display, a church can display content that helps it bond with new generations of believers. Video content and social media feeds can especially capture millennial attendees’ attention. After all, since 70% of adults between the ages of 18 and 22 no longer attend church, using digital signage can be an attractive strategy to attract them back for Sunday service and bible study.

More and more different kinds of worship around the world turn to innovative digital solutions for improvementand better serving the congregations.